Friday, May 28, 2010

Our new store

My mom got this at a used store for $10, it is going to work so well for our 4th of july show. It is 10x16. I am so excited. My husband just put it up to make sure it was all there. Now all we need is a sign.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Summer is here.

So today it was VERy sunny here in Seward Alaska. I didn't have flip flops for my kids. Up until this last week it has been rainy and nasty out. well I took three of the pairs of flip flops I made and gave them to my kids. Need less to say, they loved them. Also a picture of a custom order I just did. Great day today was.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

More flip flops

So I have 5 down and 15 more to go...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Some new stuff

I got a chance to play around today. I added the cream flower to my website. Also I am making about 20 pairs of flip flips for the 4th of July show so this was pair number one. Last I played around with some flowers and thought they would look cute on these head bands. What do you think? I am so happy to start being able to get back into this again.

This head band can be found on the website at for $12.00

This is pair one of 20 that I am making for the 4th of July show.

Two cute head bands I made, not sure if I am going to sell these yet or give them to my daughters. Oh what to do , what to do...

Friday, May 21, 2010

Tenley's Model picture

This picture makes me wanna have more children. This picture was taken by my oldest and dearest friend Crystal, she is a photographer who just recently had a baby girl, Miss Tenley. After waiting with baited breath for my product on her in a picture, I am pleased to show off what a newborn would look like in a ranunculas flower head band. This head band is brown stretchy cord. The flower is nondetachable. This hair creation can fit newborns up to adults depending on the cut of the cord. Headbands like this can be found on my website at This headband retails for $12.00

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Trying a new way to make a bow

This bow is called the 6 loop bow. In a group I belong to, and no I am not sharing where. (some of you may know...wink wink) I got this lovely tutorial that had this awesome way to make this bow. I can make it on my own but this way had my loops coming out very even. I love it. So I just wanted to share my first 6 loop bow with all of you. Pardon the pins they are holding that yellow center piece on. Feedback??? Interest??? Leave a comment let me know..

New items

Hello everyone,

Today is website day!!! YAY.. So whats that mean for me??? I have to take pictures of TONS of stuff, edit and then put it up on the site, measure, describe and all that fun stuff. I added 26 items of mine today. tonight I am going to work on getting my moms stuff up. So head on over take a look. I love it all and hope it sells fast.

Monday, May 17, 2010

It has been a long time.

Hello all you readers out there. Wow what a crazy past few months around here. With my mothers illness it has for sure been mighty stressful. I had to put aside my love for making hair things and put my attention and focus where it should be and family was my number one priority. Now that things are getting back to normal around here you will see me working on some new things. Many of you readers out there have stood by my side since day one of this bow adventure and bought bows from me when I first started. Needless to say they were awful. However, at the time I was so proud of myself and you all kept cheering me on. Your support has gotten me this far, practice makes perfect. I don't intend on taking this "bow business" so far to make six figures or stress myself out. In fact many of the items that I sent out for my models were what I made while destressing, or "playing". I love to do this and it has shown me so much about myself I didn't know exsisted. Having kids I kind of lost myself, I became mom and she is never going away. I didn't really know who I was anymore, but it is because of them that I found myself, I found something I love to do. I found something I take pride in. I love making my girls look even more glam pretty then they already are. I love when a friend says Joni I have this event I need a bow for my daughter. It makes me feel good that something I made, made their day a little more special. I don't do anything that hasn't been done, in fact many of you who buy could get it cheaper, or closer to home. I put my heart into everything I make. Every drop of glue, cut, sew, thread, burn ect... you get the picture. Some people might look at a flower on a head band and think, she just glued a flower to a headband, but I did so much more then that. This adventure is one I am so glad I did, wether I stop tomorrow or do for many many years. (I for see the later) Anyhow, bless all of you for putting up with all my facebook requests for more fans. I have a friend who has a photography business and I look up to her that she has over 1000 fans and I think she started out just like me, square one. So if anyone reads this who wants to help in my quest for more fans or "likes" as they call it these days. Go to my fan page, under the picture is share or share with friends. All those who are not fans click on them, chances are a few of them will become fans and maybe one day I will make a special bow for them. Okay, so that is all for now. Hopefully my mom (Cathy) will get some of her beads up on the site and we can take a few pictures and add them here. Since she has been home from the hospital she has really been working hard on some great stuff. Go a head and click to follow my blog, you never know what you might find here. Have a great summer everyone.

Adriana's Model Pictures

How cute is that smile? This little Slice of heaven is Adriana. She is wearing a ranunculas flower on a cute lace headband. The flower is nondetachable. This hair creation can fit newborns to adults. Headbands like this can be found on the website this head bands retails for $12.00

Baila's Model pictures

This beautiful young lady is Baila, she is our oldest model at 12 years old. She pulls off this stunning ranunculus flower on a cute light brown lace headband. The flower is non dettachable. This hair creation can fit newborns to adults. Headbands like this one can be found on the website This head band retails for $12.00.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Kensley's Model Pictures

Here we have a cutie name Kensley. She is such a ham. I am loving all the pictures I am getting. She is wearing a singed flower head band. The flower is on a 1/8ths inch round elastic head band, can be custom ordered to fit babies to adults. The flower is nondetachable. You can find these head bands at they are $12. Thanks so much for stopping by. More pictures will be coming as the models pictures roll in. Thanks so much CaSandra for submitting your daughters photo.

Shakeiyah's model pictures

This is another beautiful little princess. Her grandma submitted her for the contest and I jsut got the pictures back today. This is Shakeiyah. She is weart a flower head band. This head band or ones like it are $7.50 and the cute little bow she is wearing is $5.00. You can Visit for hair creations like these. Thanks so much April for the beautiful pictures. I cannot wait to see more.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Fabric roses "I did it"

I had so much fun making these. They are wonderful, and came out lovely. The light pink flower was my first ever. The second was me being brave and working with satin. I actually didn't have as hard of time as I thought I might. Leave a comment and tell me what you think... Thanks for looking.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Midnight Sun Creations Model pictures.

So a few weeks back we had a contest for models for our website all the models were so cute we chose them all. I sent out the items last week and I am already getting pictures back. As I get them I will put them up here. Thanks to all who participated. I am loving all the pictures. Your girls are so pretty.
